Sunday, February 24, 2013

Gout Arthritis Remedies and Natural Treatments That Work

Gout arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. It is caused by excess of uric acid in the body which, if it is not metabolized correctly, it piles up in the joints forming small crystals. These crystals quickly provoke and inflammation of the joint which results in pain and swelling. Gout, like the great majority of arthritis forms, is a degenerative and chronic condition. It seems to affect more men than women. Because it is caused by the body's inability of metabolizing the uric acid, gout arthritis is also associated with kidney problems. Sometimes crystals of uric acid also form lumps around the joints. It is believed that this condition is also genetically inherited. Gout sufferers experience extremely painful attacks because the inflammation occurs fast and without prior notice. As the disease progresses and becomes more and more severe, the attacks happen more often. Gout arthritis is a dangerous medical condition and it shouldn't be left untreated under no circumstances.

Patients are primarily concerned about obtaining pain relief and reducing the inflammation or, otherwise said, about putting an end to the gout attack. Analgesic effect can be obtained with natural remedies and some herbal supplements have proven their efficacy in providing relief from gout arthritis. Specialists have also noticed a connection between this disease and the intake of Vitamin C. Cherries, blueberries and other red berries seem to fight gout arthritis in an effective way. This is due to the fact that red berries contain a high amount of flavonoids, substances that slow down the collagen destructions. They also contain anthocyanidins, a compound that can be found in bilberries and that lowers the levels of uric acid in the body. 80 mg of extract taken three times a day is going to prevent the forming of crystals in the joints.

Diuretic herbs, like juniper berry, help the body to eliminate the uric acid and they can also be effective in gout. 500 mg of juniper berry extract should be taken twice a day. Nettle root extract does the same thing and the recommended dose is of 250 mg taken three times a day. There are also available herbal remedies that one can use after the onset of a gout arthritis attack. Massaging the painful joints with St. John's Wort oil will provide fast relief from the pain. Lavender and rosemary essential oils also have analgesic effects. Natural treatments are always safe and effective in treating gout.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Gout.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

The Top Rated 10 Natural Arthritis Remedies

Organic and natural arthritis treatment plans are increasingly being used to minimize, and sometimes actually wipe out, arthritis signs and symptoms. If you are tired of taking arthritis pain prescription drugs and worry about their detrimental effects on the body, start thinking about adding effective natural treatment options to your arthritis treatment program. The following are the most effective arthritis super stars of holistic painfulness and inflammation assistance.

Glucosamine is one of the nation's best selling dietary supplements and is a widely accepted natural supplement for arthritis. Glucosamine is a naturally developing amino sugar generated by the body and is a necessary building block of cartilage, joint fluid and other connective tissue. The quantity of glucosamine formulated by the body lessens with age. To avoid cartilage deterioration, it is preferred to supplement with glucosamine at the very first signs of arthritis.

Yucca is reputed to lessen harmful toxins around and within joints, thus reducing inflammation. One review revealed that yucca decreased joint problems and rigidity in fifty percent of the arthritic people. Other studies demonstrate that yucca can diminish head aches, improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure.

White willow holds the moniker "nature's aspirin." The pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory results of white willow remain for a longer period compared to aspirin and unlike over-the-counter aspirin, white willow does not cause stomach bleeding. One review established that, when compared to placebo, white willow effectively minimized arthritis pain.

Chondroitin, the second most commonly established arthritis supplementation, lowers inflammation and aids glucosamine in protecting cartilage material. Chondroitin, precursors of the material foundations of cartilage, prohibit enzymes which might hurt cartilage cells. Chondroitin is also thought to promote elasticity in joint cartilage.

Capsaicin is what adds spice to the cayenne pepper. The hot energy of this healthy ingredient is what knocks out pain. Capsaicin is regarded for its pain-reducing results and in the alternative medicine world, capsaicin is a top arthritis treatment.

Boswellia has been used for 100's of years by conventional Indian healers of Ayurvedic for arthritis and rheumatism. This unique herb's anti-inflammatory attributes help lower aching, rigidity and inflammation. Boswellia, additionally known as "Indian frankincense," is thought to be as potent as OTC NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin but does not trigger stomach discomfort.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids have been clinically proven in a number of scientific tests to act as anti-inflammatory materials. Research shows that Omega-3 essential fatty acids lessen inflammatory symptoms of arthritis and also hinders enzymes that break down joint cartilage. These extremely advantageous nutritional elements might additionally help reduce the associated risk of long-term diseases such as heart disease and cancer, and can boost mood and help with depression.

Feverfew escaped awareness for several years but because of new scientific curiosity is now getting a solid name as an anti-inflammatory. Feverfew got its name from its old fashioned use as a fever reducer. Modern herbalists work with this herb to treat intense head aches and migraine headaches, as well as joint pain and discomfort. Feverfew helps regulate the body's inflammatory response and is found to imitate the anti-inflammatory effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid cortisone.

Shark cartilage is increasingly becoming a commonly recognized means for managing osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A number of scientific tests demonstrate the helpfulness of shark cartilage for arthritis. One shark cartilage review revealed noticeable improvements in comfort in 75 % of arthritis patients researched over a 3 to 8 week time frame. A small-scale review involving bedridden individuals demonstrated that after merely 3 weeks of using shark cartilage, 8 of the ten people were able to get out of their beds and move about. Then in a much bigger review of 147 arthritis sufferers, the people using shark cartilage enjoyed an 85 % drop in discomfort scores, compared to the five % drop in discomfort scores described by the placebo group.

Devil's Claw is an herb put to use worldwide for its analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Devil's claw has been used in Europe and Africa for more than 3 centuries and is said to lower joint painfulness while improving the physical condition of joints. A German review noted that devil's claw demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects when comparable to the anti-arthritic drug phenylbutazone. Researchers additionally observed analgesic outcomes coupled with reductions in uric acid blood levels.

These herbs and nutrients have all been proven to aid in reducing the pains of arthritis. Will these products work for you? There is simply one way to find out. All of these arthritis possibilities are commonly regarded as low risk. All the same, you will want to double check with your healthcare professional or pharmacist for possible interactions if you are taking any other drugs.

Are looking for additional arthritis help and advice? Take a look at for tips on handling arthritis pain and to get your free Arthritis Home Remedies ebook.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Arthritis Remedies - Safe and Natural Ways to Reduce Joint Pain ...

Many herbal preparations work as remedies for arthritis patients as these can not only relieve the manifested symptoms of arthritis but also produce effects in the whole body to root out the disease. The herbal remedies for arthritis are safe as they do not produce any side effects even if dosage becomes little bit higher. Exercises are also very helpful in alleviating symptoms of arthritis, various types of exercises and therapies can help in improving joint mobility, range of motion and promoting endurance.

Causes for many type of arthritis are not yet known but the relief from symptoms and maintaining movement of the affected parts is a part of the treatment for all types of arthritis. Herbs can control pain, reduce inflammation, improve immune system and can provide mental relaxation for combating this debilitating disease. Ginger is a commonly found natural herb in every kitchen but it can also be an effective remedy for arthritis. The rich anti-oxidants present in ginger help the body in relieving the symptoms and also increasing the period of remission of the disease. Alfalfa is a very effective herb in relieving the symptoms of rheumatic arthritis. The tea of alfalfa seeds 2-3 times in a day is recommended for rheumatic arthritis patients as a remedy.

Vitamin C is very important to help the body in fighting arthritis, two teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of honey mixed in a warm cup of water is an effective remedy for arthritis. Another effective remedy for arthritis can be made by using egg plant and some spices easily available in the kitchen. Two egg plants first baked and then mashed and fried with two teaspoons of castor oil. While frying them add coriander, cumin seed, turmeric, garlic and salt, consumption of this preparation once in a day helps in relieving the symptoms and preventing flares of arthritis.

Non prescription cayenne cream contains capsaicin which can inhibit the signals of pain to the brain providing immediate relief from pain. This cream is suggested for use during flares of the disease when pain reduces the movement of joints. Tying warm mustard oil spread on a madar leaf also alleviates the pain and inflammation effectively.

Proper diet also works as effective remedy for arthritis, peas, oysters, wheat germ, whole grains are rich sources of zinc and one high zinc diet in a day improves immunity system. Grapefruit juice and other citrus fruit juices increase the effectiveness of vitamin C and control inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids are also effective diet for curing arthritis. Cod liver oil as a supplement acts as good remedy for arthritis.

Ashwagandha is an excellent health tonic and is a natural pain reliever; it is helpful in almost all types of arthritis conditions. Ginseng and half teaspoon of gugglu after every meal acts as preventive remedies for arthritis as they improve over all well being. Light exercises and keeping weight in control is not only good for over all health but helps in keeping the symptoms of arthritis under control.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps relieve inflammation and pain. Also know how Arthritis Massage Oil helps reduce pain and stiffness.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Natural Arthritis Remedies - EzineArticles Submission - Submit ...

All over the world people are affected by the pain of Arthritis. As the body ages it becomes harder to maintain a good balance of nutrients, therefore, the body loses tissue and bone density because of those deficiencies. The two main forms are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis and these forms can be treated with prescription medication or natural herbal remedies.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease where the immune system attacks the joints in the body causing severe joint inflammation. The joint issues and cartilage are destroyed and as a result sufferers have extreme pain, deformation of joints, swelling and mobility limitations.

Osteoarthritis is the wearing away of the cartilage that pads and protects the joints because of trauma to the area. As the bone ends rub together due to lack of padding the pain can be excruciating. This pain causes many sufferers to limit their movement and because of this the muscles and other tissue in the body start to deteriorate causing them to lose weight.

Arthritis in humans is said to date back to early BC and it is rumored that willow tree bark was used to ease the pain. Today there are many herbal remedies available that are actually considered as pain relief and treatment for arthritis. Raw fruit and vegetable juices are recommended to gain nutrients that the body needs to rebuild and maintain tissue. There are also several herbs that have been proven to replenish and rejuvenate cartilage as well as easy joint inflammation and treat pain. Always consult your doctor before starting any herbal route as some prescriptions and herbs are harmful to the body when combined.

Susan Smith writes health articles about fitness and nutrition. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Arthritis Remedies - EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best ...

Arthrite des articulations peut être très douloureux et difficile à vivre. Il n'y a pas de miracles, mais vous pouvez aider à soulager la douleur avec des remèdes faciles. Quelques changements de style de vie peuvent aider énormément la douleur arthritique.

Une personne sur six américains a certain type d'arthrite. Les femmes ont plus de chances de développer de l'arthrite que les hommes. Une fois qu'une personne atteint l'âge de quarante, ils sont beaucoup plus susceptibles de développer la maladie. Consommer des acides gras essentiels peut grandement aider les articulations à se rétablir après une activité intense et réduire l'inflammation.

Beaucoup d'aliments peut être consommés pour aider avec la douleur arthritique et l'inflammation des articulations. Poisson doit être consommé deux ou trois fois par semaine. Cela viendra compléter votre alimentation avec assez omega trois acides gras tout en évitant les concentrations de mercure dangereux. Si vous n'aimez pas le poisson ou ne peut pas le manger, huile de foie de morue peut être ce dont vous avez besoin. Ce supplément est enrichie de vitamine A, vitamine D ainsi une partie très lourde d'omega trois acides gras. Légumes verts et jaunes se dégustent pour fournir les antioxydants qui fonctionnent avec la vitamine C pour produire une réponse anti-inflammatoire au niveau des articulations. Ces plantes vertes et jaunes sont une excellente source de bêta-carotène. Au moins deux portions de ces types de légumes doivent être consommé tous les jours. Pamplemousses sont une excellente source d'antioxydants. Zinc se trouvent dans les pois, légumineuses, le lait et les produits de grains entiers. Il est recommandé que les patients arthritiques contrôlent leur poids, car les kilos en trop vont augmenter la pression sur les articulations. Un régime alimentaire rempli de ces aliments sera en bonne santé pour vous en tout cas et va certainement aider à éloigner tout poids supplémentaire.

Essayez d'éviter des niveaux élevés d'acides gras oméga 6 dans votre alimentation comme ces conduisent à des symptômes de l'arthrite s'est aggravée. Certains aliments qui contiennent ces et devraient être évités sont des huiles végétales, tout frit alimentaires, vinaigrettes, olives noires ou vertes et huile de canola.

Exercice peut être un excellent moyen d'assouplir les articulations raides. Sorties de travail de l'eau sont particulièrement bénéfiques pour les personnes souffrant d'arthrite. Exercice dans l'eau prévoit la force musculaire et de totale liberté commune sans exercer trop de pression. Il va considérablement augmenter le rythme cardiaque et augmenter la gamme de la mobilité. La marche est une autre excellente forme d'exercice, car il est aussi très doux sur les articulations et permettra également d'augmenter la fréquence cardiaque. Une heure dans l'eau équivaut presque à marcher pendant des heures sur la terre ferme. Dans une étude réalisée sur les 106 personnes, toute personne qui a passé une heure dans l'eau pendant au moins deux jours par semaine trouve leurs symptômes de l'arthrite a diminué au cours de l'année. Le corps réagit de la même façon de marcher et d'autres exercices en douceur. Le yoga est une autre excellente activité. C'est splendide pour augmenter l'amplitude des mouvements et de flexibilité. Il améliore la circulation sanguine dans l'ensemble de toutes les articulations et peut même améliorer la façon dont le corps utilise des médicaments contre la douleur.

Le traitement de message est une expérience très agréable pour la plupart des gens. Souffrant d'arthrite ont une excellente excuse pour aller chercher un massage complet du corps, car elle augmente le flux sanguin et diminue l'inflammation. L'ajout de la lotion de l'aromathérapie et quelques herbes select peut être un avantage ajouté au message. Juniper a été trouvé pour réduire l'enflure et bois de santal augmente la circulation sanguine.

Michael Russell

Indépendant de votre guide de l'arthrite

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Proven Arthritis Remedies

Arthritis is a serious and painful disease but rarely fatal. Arthritis attacks the joints and the surrounding muscle and connective tissue causing swelling, inflammation and pain. Arthritis forms as a result of a broken bone that may have knitted itself back together but never fully healed, general wear and tear on the body or an autoimmune disease. While arthritis cannot be cured except through surgery, the pain and discomfort can be managed. Not all treatments work for all arthritis sufferers and some find a combination of treatments work effectively. Here are a few arthritis remedies you can try at home to help manage the pain and discomfort of arthritis.
Weight on the knee joints causes swelling and pain. An overweight person should consider weight loss. The extra pounds will put as much as 4 times the stress on your knee joints. Even a small amount of weight loss will give your knees relief. Losing as little as 11 pounds can improve joint health and lessen the risk of developing osteoarthritis by as much as 50 percent. You will also feel better too.
A change in diet can help reduce arthritis pain. Certain foods are linked to rheumatoid arthritis, especially those in the nightshade family of plants. Tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and peppers may cause allergic reactions and increase the discomfort of arthritis for some people. Experiment by removing these foods one at a time to see what makes your arthritis improve or worsen and then adjust your diet accordingly.
Studies show that vegetable oils, which contain omega-6 fatty acids, can aggravate arthritis symptoms. Experiment by eliminating or cutting back on your salad dressing, margarine, fried foods, olives, corn and canola oil. If any of those foods adversely affects your arthritis, remove them from your diet or consume them sparingly.
Research shows that rheumatoid arthritis is linked to a vitamin C deficiency. Taking a total dose of 500mg of vitamin C in small doses throughout the day will provide the vitamin necessary to minimize the effects of arthritis.
Juices high in inflammatory nutrients such as beta-carotene and copper should be included in diets of those with rheumatoid arthritis. Beta-carotene is found in parsley, broccoli and spinach and copper is found in carrots, apples and ginger. Pineapple juice is rich in the enzyme bromelain which has strong inflammatory properties.
Bathing in Epsom Salt, which contains magnesium sulfate, is very relaxing. The magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties and is absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important and essential minerals in the human body and most commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath in Epsom Salt. The heat of the bath increases blood circulation and reduces swelling as well as relaxes muscles.
Strength training will boost your metabolism and do wonders for your body as well. Lifting weights creates denser bones and builds stronger muscles which in turn helps protect your joints.
Consider adding a supplement to your health routine such as Glucosamine. It is made from the shells of crab, lobster and shrimp and has been shown to ease joint pain and stiffness. Some studies suggest it may contribute to cartilage repair.
There you have it. A few arthritis remedies proven to help arthritis sufferers. With some trial and error you will find the most beneficial and helpful to you.
Christine Crotts enjoys the classic look of a farmhouse sitting by itself in the middle of a field. Christine has written a site containing reviews on freestanding bathtub [], as well as corner bath tub [].

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Arthritis Remedies and Their Effectiveness

Many people are afflicted with arthritis and experience consistent pain, and the arthritis remedies out in the market do not always relieve the pain totally. There is a kind of arthritis that affects younger people, but the most number of people afflicted with the disease are the older ones. Some people have only one area affected with arthritis, and these people suffer little as compared to those who have more than one areas affected. People who have more than one area affected by arthritis often find it difficult to obtain arthritis remedies that work a 100% in alleviating pain. People who live longer would also have the risk of suffering from arthritis as this disease normally strikes in the latter years of a person's life.

The arthritis remedies that you can buy today are normally over the counter pain killers and aspirins to threat the pain. Some people normally just need to drink painkillers and their pain is alleviated. However, for people who have arthritis attacks in different areas, the normal pain killers won't really help that much. Although there is a drug therapy available that provides pain alleviation in people who suffer from multiple arthritis pains, the drugs caused serious side effects such as but not limited to strokes. That is why the said drugs were banned and were recalled from the market.

An Overview Of Natural and Synthetic Arthritis

People who have used the arthritis remedies which were taken off the market are in search of a drug that could help in relieving multiple arthritis pains. As of the moment, with no drugs of that kind available yet, the patients resort to alternative arthritis remedies. Some would drink a number of over the counter painkillers all at the same time just to ease the pain. Others rely on the prescriptions for more serious painkillers given by their physicians. These kinds of arthritis remedies have often been found to be really effective in eliminating pain. Others rely on cortisone shots as their arthritis remedies.

Natural arthritis remedies are now out in the market for arthritis patients to have relief from pain. Glucosamine is one of these remedies which is a natural substance that has been effective to some extent. Studies also show that ginger when added in certain amounts to one's daily meal would help prevent arthritis attacks from occurring.

Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also helpful in alleviating joint pain in arthritis patients. Take note that although some arthritis remedies are effective, there are certainly others that have no help at all. It is the patient's responsibility to visit the doctor for consultation about effective arthritis remedies available. Arthritis pain may be unbearable but there are a lot of treatments or medicines now that have been thoroughly researched on to alleviate pain and aid in making arthritis patients live better lives.

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